Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Greeting Card Wisdom in 2011

Written by 
Lizz and Brandon  

(Cartoons courtesy of Hallmark,
all from cards Brandon has given Lizz
in their six years of marriage)

10.) Walk in love and you will age gracefully.
9.) Live within your means and your Spirit will become richer.

8.) Time spent pursuing your interests will always create good memories and make you successful.

7.) Giving time as a gift to your loved ones never returns null. 
6.) Prayer changes things.  "We identify with those for whom we pray through love and compassion."Kenneth Hagin

5.) The still, small voice inside of us has more important things to say than the constant, loud distractions of our time.

4.) "The only way to carry a heavy load is with praise."Earl Lee

 3). If you think you are too young to need rest you won't be young long. 

 2.) A renewed sense of hope is a refreshing appetizer at the buffet of life, so get in line and help yourself. -Brandon 

1.) Miracles are Creative.